Fintech Company Brochure Design
The Agency
Openwage came to Creative Harmony with their brand guidelines, images and copy. Our role in the project primarily focussed on designing the brochure’s overall look and feel. The company was exceptionally keen on ensuring that all assets created for their brochure were analogous to their existing branding.
Openwage did have some concerns over the copy that they provided and asked that our copywriters review the text and adjust the tone to resonate better with their target audience.
The Outcome
Our creative team set out the styling rules with InDesign as we worked through the design process and artworking of the brochure. Taking this step allows future brochures to use the same style set and be designed swiftly.
Our years of experience told us that spending additional time in artworking an initial project professionally can reduce budgeting issues and save time later if the brochure needs to be re-worked for other purposes.
The final brochure was a very slick and modern brochure that oozed creativity and was received well by the Openwage team.
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Want a brochure designed by professionals?
Need an award-winning brochure design agency to take care of everything from brochure concepting to printing? No time for those design-it-yourself brochure apps?
We’ll give you a brochure that looks good AND works hard to deliver what you need it to, whether that’s:
More Sales
Greater Awareness
Communicating Your Values
Talk to our expert team of brochure designers today.Â